A while ago, I presented at a small conference on the subject of protein for weight-loss as I feel like it is a subject that is undervalued by a lot of dietitians. Since I am a Gary Vee fanboy and love his idea of pillar content, I figured I would turn aspects of that presentation into this blog post and share it on a larger scale to answer the question, is protein one of the secrets for weight loss?
My background prior to studying nutrition at university started with an excessive amount of time reading the forums on bodybuilding.com during 2012, followed by even more procrastination in the form of being an active member of a niche bodybuilding/powerlifting forum from 2013-2014. I feel like this has given me a different perspective to other dietitians who have come from different backgrounds. The thing that peaked my interest and has stayed with me to this day is the fact that the recreational bodybuilders tended to have high calorie requirements. Their calorie requirements grew year after year as their metabolism got faster since they were consistently gaining more muscle. Most of these people struggled to eat enough calories to maintain their weight and had to force feed themselves to gain weight. The extreme dieting involved in contest preparation appears to negatively affect metabolic rates considerably, but the people who weren’t competing were often eating a ridiculously high number of calories in comparison to the average person.