Some people swear by fat burners- those “magic pills” that make fat disappear like ice cream off their bodies. The greatest fat burners aren't magic. In fact, they are basically vitamins. Even while they're made with substances that may help you burn fat more effectively; they cannot substitute a healthy diet and regular exercise.
Taking Fat burners for better weight loss results for Gen Pop and Gym Newbies
August 07, 2021 2 min read

Let’s break down how fat burners work for the best results.
How do fat burners work and what’s in them?
Caffeine is the primary component in most fat burners. Caffeine aids in weight loss by boosting metabolism and assisting the body in burning fat for fuel. Additionally, it contributes to the energy required for exercise and other calorie-burning activities. Other ingredients that you will find in most fat burners are Acetyl Carnitine, Green Tea Extract, and Yohimbine - because these ingredients also help increase your metabolism.
A fat burner can’t fix a broken diet. If you're eating for healthy fat loss then a thermogenic fat burner can assist with the rest: boosting energy, assisting in hunger suppression, encouraging fat use for energy, and even raising your metabolism and core temperature—a process known as "thermogenesis” where you burn more calories throughout the day.
When do you start seeing results when taking Fat Burners?
You need to consider what sort of diet you are on and how consistent you are with sticking to your food regime as that will play a big part with the fat burners that you are taking. Usually, it takes around 2-3 weeks to see results, depending how strong the fat burners that you are taking. But if you hit 6-7 weeks and you do not see results, you must change products as everyone is different and we all have different lifestyles and food regime. Remember, its always about trial and error on which fat burners fit you.
Difference between Fat Burners (Pills) and Fat Burner Pre-workouts (Thermogenics)
A ‘fat burner' is a supplement that contains plant extracts, vitamins, and minerals. It's essential to note that most of these supplements aren't ‘magic pills' and can't ‘burn' fat on their own. But they may offer components which may help you on your health and fitness quest.
On the other hand, a 'pre-workout' is a supplement that usually comes in the form of a flavoured powder to be combined into a drink and includes a variety of components designed to assist you throughout your workouts, whether at the gym or while participating in sports. Stimulants like caffeine, as well as vitamins, minerals, and plant extracts, are common components in pre-workout supplements.
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